From UN Millennium Goals to celebrity endorsements, the world recognizes that education is a human right.
Education impacts everything, no matter the opportunity: access to healthcare, poverty alleviation, nutrition, gender equality, economic development, education serves as the foundation to vibrant, healthy, and equitable societies.
In Haiti, and especially in a region as critically poor as the Central Plateau, education serves as a pathway out of poverty. But access to high quality education cannot be delivered without access to high quality educators.
Traditionally, efforts to advance education in the developing world focus on investments in things: schools are built, curriculums are designed, materials supplied, and finally, with whatever’s left, investments are made in teachers. This approach is upside down.
We believe teachers are the most influential force behind a life changing education. Teachers act as catalysts for change not just in schools, but in the communities in which they serve.
Summits works to transform education systems in the world’s poorest communities by providing teachers with intensive training, ongoing support, and competitive wages. Then, we work with local communities and partners to provide other elements critical to student and teacher success including sanitation, infrastructure, and canteen programs. Only through genuine collaboration can transformative education take shape.