A Year of Impactful Change

Through our network of 39 schools in the Central Plateau of Haiti, implementing our Whole Child Approach has enabled us to positively affect the lives of our 350 professors and 10,000 students. Our responsibility towards them and the communities they live in cannot be overstated, which is why transparency and clarity on how this impact is financially accomplished is essential.


EIN NUMBER: 47-2768711

Summits Education does not discriminate based on age, ancestry, color, creed, gender identity or expression, mental or physical disability, national origin, race, religious affiliation, belief or opinion, sex, or sexual orientation in providing access to its programs and activities.

How to Give

To make an online donation, click here.

If you would like to make a donation through a donor-advised fund, wire transfer, or stock transfer, please send an email to carolyn@summits.org.