Passionate donors can sponsor a specific Summits primary school through our Sponsor a School program. Investing in this program allows you to witness the impact of your support over time and cultivate a connection to the school and communities transformed through your involvement.
An investment of $25,000 fully funds a school’s annual operating budget, including: salaries for school leaders, teachers and support staff; teaching and learning materials; curriculum and professional development; and infrastructure maintenance. When you sponsor a school, you become a true partner in our work, sharing in our successes, informed of our challenges and honored as a member of the Summits team.
The opportunity to travel to Haiti and bring a group to visit your school and our communities in the Central Plateau and be immersed in Haitian culture. Summits will design a customized itinerary based on your group’s interests and will manage all of the logistics during your stay.
Invitation to attend the annual meeting for Summits key stakeholders to learn, connect and brainstorm with other dedicated donors, hosted by the Summits leadership team.
Receive regular updates and stories from school leaders and the Summits executive team highlighting accomplishments, challenges and new developments including school progress reports regarding exam results, school programming, infrastructure development; and health and nutrition programming.
Receive comprehensive Annual Report, including financials and strategic planning progress.
Invitations to special Summits events in Haiti and the US such as symposia, school inaugurations, and speaker dinners.
Recognition on our website.